Owen is smiling ALOT and cooing and "aghoo'ing" constantly. Today I played the " Im gonna get you" game with my hands and he would smile before Id touch him- he totally gets the game and hears everything we say, its just a matter of time before he starts reacting to everything. I feel like each day we get something new from him. Yesterday morning he started a little giggle with his smiles and he is supporting and holding his head so well.
It really is true what 'they' say- you never can comprehend how much you will love your child, until you have one. Owen brightens up everything in my life and he is a little miracle. We are so lucky and blessed to have him in our lives.
This past week Owen has been getting through the nights with just a pacifier- no bottle. He eats 6.5oz every four hours during the day. He is waking up at night for his pacifier now ( and probably wants some mommy visiting time too)- but we are trying to stick to our guns and simply give him his pacifier once he makes a noise and then leave the room. He is doing great- sleeping through the night with nothing more than some small demands for his pacifier, and then he goes back to sleep.... The two of us on the other hand, are not getting as much sleep. Right now Jeremy and I are alternating the nights up with him. I sure hope he starts sleeping through the night soon! :)
I am going to guess and say that based on his last doctor appointment that he probably weighs somewhere in between 12 -14 lbs ... He is wearing 3-6 month and 6 months clothes pretty much across the board with different brands and he is continuing to grow. His toes look like tiny baby fingers and his hands aren't far from the ability to grip a basketball (ha!).
He is about to outgrow the ability to lay down on my lap- his legs and feet now have to stick up in the air so that his butt can slide all the way down so that his head fits on my lap... he is a long lean little machine, this little one, but one thing is for sure- he may outgrow the ability to have his whole body lay down on my lap, but he will never outgrow the ability to lay his little head in my lap or sit in it while I hold him!
I think tomorrow (Owens 9 week bday) we are going to see how he likes our swimming pool... I think its warm enough with all of our summer heat!
Here are a couple pics I took with my iphone today of our beautiful and healthy little boy...
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