It is so hard to believe that my little boy is going to be 3 months old on August 30th! Where has the time gone?! Owen is already babbling (mimicking) several different sounds. His favorite is "Ooooh", and of course this one makes complete sense... as in "Oooo"wen. And he also LOVES to say "eeee-oh" short for his favorite song Old MacDonald- "eee-i-eeee-i-oh". He also likes "mmmm-uhhh". I think that one stands for "momma". He had his first big laugh when he was 9 weeks old and his smile makes my heart melt every day.
When I walk in his room in the morning to get him out of his crib he looks at me, smiles a big huge smile, kicks both his legs up in the air and makes a little squeal noise- its the most precious site I have ever seen. When I am away from Owen, its the mornings that we are so blessed to be able to spend together and his precious smile, that I miss when I wake up without him.
He and I have been hanging out at home, taking it easy, getting back on schedule and enjoying the fact that we have nowhere we have to be! Owen has been completely obsessed with his sign language video- its amazing how much this little boy is absorbing!
Even more than his Baby Signing video, Owen loves Rockabye Renditions of Pink Floyd, The Beatles and Bob Marley. U2 is pretty amazing too- I love listening to the music with him.
Jeremy has been out of town since Monday- we both miss daddy a lot and cant wait for him to get home tonight!
I never would have imagined a year ago that I would be holding my son, but I wouldn't have it any other way.... being a mother is amazing and so much fun.
Linsay - you are glowing you are so happy! Miss you, bigs hugs. Kim