Monday, August 23, 2010

Texas Family Tour ... east to west!

Thursday morning I drove to Katy, Tx to pick up Owen. He spent the night at Papi and Kiss' house while Jeremy and I went to the Jack Johnson concert with Carey and Sarah! Once we ate, we loaded up and headed to Lotte's in San Antonio. Friday morning we left for Concan to go stay the weekend with Grandy! Papi, Kiss and daddy met us there Friday evening and we spent the weekend until Sunday. Sunday afternoon we went to Nana's (Owen's great grandmother) to meet the family- Owen also got to meet his great great grandmother, Mammaw! After dinner we spent the night at Lotte's and drove home today (Monday).
Owen was the best road trip partner. He is so self soothing and chill that he rarely makes a peep... he will make grunts and when that happens, I have about 15 minutes to exit for a diaper change- ha! But... that has only happened a couple times!
Friday night Owen slept in the room with Jeremy and me... and that didnt really work out so well. Since Owens first night at home he has slept in his crib and sleeps great in it... I found out real quick that I could not sleep well at all with Owen next to me.... Owen will sleep 12 hours through the night at home in his crib but I think he wakes up several times during the night and just goes back to sleep on his own because I never hear a thing on the monitor... but when he is sleeping next to me, I wake up to every sound and try to put a pacifier in his mouth and I wake him up in the process- haha... what a mess! I never slept longer than an hour that night- what a disaster! I was one tired mom on Saturday! It was the worst sleep night of Owens life- and that isn't an exaggeration, its the truth :) I am a spoiled mom with my deep sleeping baby!

On Saturday afternoon Kelly and Callie came by to say hello and dad had a bunch of our friends over to meet Owen- it was great to see all of our old friends that I don't get to see that often! Owen stayed up until about 7:30, but that was as late as he could make it... Uncle Chance put him to sleep! Saturday afternoon Owen got pretty cranky and was getting pretty exhausted with his travels and schedule changes... but that night after all of our friends left the house, Owen slept in Grandys room and he slept until 7:30 am for Grandy! Woohoo! :) Grandys got the touch!

Jeremy, Owen and I headed to Nana's on Sunday and we got to see all the family and meet Owen's second cousin, Vance who is 2 months older than Owen! Owen also got to meet his GREAT GREAT grandmother, Mammaw!

We drove back to Houston today and Owen was a tired little boy- he took 2, 1.5 hour naps and was out by 7pm. I hope he sleeps through the night!

{Time with Lotte!}

Owen loves to read....

{Grandy's house!}

Nap time around the house!

I think we have a LEFTY here!

Cutest smile ever!

Callie came to visit Owen!

Tia (my great aunt) and Owen-

Becky and Owen

Uncle Chance put Owen to sleep!

Daddy was making Owen laugh!

Nana's House!

Owen with his great great grandmother, Mammaw

Owen with his great grandmother, Nana

Owen with his second cousin, Vance, who is 2 months older!

What a big boy! He is sitting up and we can finally see that neck!

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