Monday, November 29, 2010

6 months old today!

It feels like I just blinked and our baby is now turning 6 months old! When I speak of the past it completely baffles me that I usually have my time frame completely mixed up.. I will typically reference something that happened at least 9 months ago, but I usually say " a few months ago" because it really only seems like it was a few months ago! Time does fly by when you are having fun...

Owen is turning into such a cute little grown up munchkin'.... He is a babbling baby right now- no real detectable words/sounds at the moment, but I am patiently wishing for 'mama' soon/.... or a 'mama' in sign language! Owen loves fruit, any and all fruit... peaches, bananas, apples, pears etc which makes COMPLETE sense... all I craved and all I ate when I was pregnant with him was fruit... tons of fruit!!! Being pregnant was the healthiest 9 months of my life! But along with fruit I craved vegetables.. but he hates green beans ( we have tried at least 6 times, so I have at least 6 more to go, I am told). He has been army crawling for about a week and a half now. He still LOVES "Old McDonald Had a Farm" song and loves to smile at people behind me while we stand in line. The other day he laughed the entire time I was in Target.
We are starting little gym, 2 music classes and a playgroup this week- Owen is very social :)

We go to the doctor in a week for his 6 month check up and immunizations- Ill give you his stats then! I am guessing he is around 20lbs and close to 25 inches...

(@ music class with daddy!)

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