Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back on track. . .

We are back on track today. Owen is doing great and back to his normal chill mood- this pictures says it all:

Today we had some more tummy time and Owen rolled onto his back?! I was quite shocked to watch him do it... twice! I didnt think that babies start that for another few weeks at least!? I definitely have to keep two eyes on this little strong baby no matter what!

We read a couple books and watched it rain outside today- Owen was fascinated by the rain and the trees and all the leaves falling to the ground.
Owen is changing every day- today he smiled at least 5 or 6 times- not necessarily at anything in particular- but its amazing to watch him smile! I can't wait until he starts smiling at me and laughing... and you know that I will flood my blog with pictures of his adorable smile! I think I have enough pictures of sleeping Owen :)

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