Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We are ready, Owen!

Owen's room is finally ready... we just need to bring the gliding chair upstairs and put it in the nursery by the windows. I was able to get the linen curtains hung (thank you, Boysh!) and everything in order this week... and I think we are officially ready for the little guy to get here... there is no specific theme- Im not a 'themer'- just wanted something simple and soft.

*this used to be our workout/yoga/kick boxing room

* its a little confusing to decipher the room with the mirror- but this is a picture standing from the hallway looking in

Yes... he already takes after his mom- uh-oh:

Just a few of his stuffed animals from friends:

Here is a pic of his artwork- the amazing paintings from the grandparents:

Mobile that is hanging above the bed:
*vintage sailboats

This child just doesn't have enough stuff... don't know what we are going to do?!

About 8 months ago I was a bit overwhelmed with everything that is out there that people say you 'need' or 'have to have.' With the help of some girlfriends I was able to compile lists from each of them of necessary items and I went from there. They have no idea how much they helped me out. I never knew there were so many different options from strollers and gear to particular bottles and pacifiers that you need! I sure hope it is safe to say that we wont be making any trips to any baby superstore anytime soon- those arent my favorite places to go... I have found that I enjoy internet shopping and baby boutique shopping.

In an effort to cut down on the amount of plastic baby stuff- I tried to get as many wooden items as possible as opposed to ugly plastic items that would have a potential to take over our living room. Jeremy and I have already agreed to start saving our "old cell phones" for future toys for the little guy along with other items like remote controls and game controls. Kids always want YOUR cell phone anyways after about 10 minutes with their unrealistic version of whatever it is you gave them... they love real remotes (Henry has changed the channel on me many times!), your cell phones, real cash registers, and boxes... I remember when I was about, oh.. probably 8 or 9, and I wanted a cash register so I could play superstore - I always wanted to work at the grocery store and check people out and scan their items when I was little. Therefore, my mom bought me a cash register- the read deal. I dont know where she got it, but I do remember that I LOVED it. It had the perfect buttons that you could press and it made the real sound.... oh I loved the sound of the drawer opening and me slamming it back as I counted out the change to "my customer"- ha!

So, we are going to do our best to recycle around here.... Some friends laugh at us and say 'good luck, just wait until you hit that point where you will throw anything at your child just to keep him entertained so that you can take a shower or answer an email...or finish that phone call"...

1 comment:

  1. He is one loved little guy! Just wait, there will be many trips to the superstores - but it gets to the point where you go in - get what you need and leave in a matter of minutes! I was the same way with the plastic stuff but after a while I gave up...our den is consumed with Elle's toys...but they stay confined to the den and her room...thankfully! I hope these next few weeks fly by and you are feeling ok! Owen's room looks fabulous!
